Peace Sign paintings were created last year integrating nuclear weapons metal in the ink. This is the first time in history that nuclear stainless has been integrated into a symbol that began as anti-nuclear. This year, Peace Sign sculptures including the nuclear stainless are being offered to those who want to purchase one of the limited editions to support the first city-sized Peace Angel monument for downtown Los Angeles. The metal is polished at a high gloss, reflecting our world as it is and reminding us who is pivotal in the promotion of peace. The weapons will be used in all of the art, including technologically ground breaking sputtered weapons paintings which tell the human story of war, conflict, peace, building and creation.
The Renaissance Peace Angel, permanent collection of the September 11th Memorial and Museum, New York City, NY, 2013. The Africa Peace Angel unveiled at the premiere museum of South Africa by Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2002. The Original Peace Angel which opened the UN Summit, in 2002. Mexico Peace Angel, Peace Talks, San Andreas de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, 1995. In creating the Peace Angels monuments, art is produced telling a narrative told thru the sketches, drawings, paintings and maquettes.
The design of the Los Angeles Peace Angel monument includes a Peace Angel holding children with a cornucopia of plenty at her feet. The weapons upon the base are in view. They are weapons created by mankind. The question is how are they used? As objects of protection and/or as vehicles for extreme violence? On the base called The Conversation will be 32 full sized sculptures of individuals who have accomplished "Extreme Good". All are created from the stainless and weapons mix with a high polished silver-toned surface. To manifest real peace, a level of wellbeing has to be engaged. Education, employment, health services, and progressive development - all have to be a part of the environment. Individuals build companies, support charities, develop scenarios for conflict resolution, cause peace progression without oppression, etc. etc. To be lifted up, it is my belief that each generation answers the questions of prior generations and leaves their own unanswered questions for future generations to complete. It is a powerful message to leave examples of those who took a stand for peace and contributed to the betterment of our world on a both microcosmic and macrocosmic level. Human beings are not perfect. In fact, we are the epitome of imperfection. From that platform, to do something to benefit humanity is a profound challenge. The nature of art is to impact the time period in which it was created. Artists absorb the world as it is around them; they receive the visceral nerve of a time period and thru their art, give it back. The Peace Angels are measured using the Divine Mean proportions and are created combining historic art foundry methods and the most contemporary cutting edge technology. Combining imagery that is based on both representative and smooth edged architecture, the image itself is highly detailed as well as leaving room for the viewer to see themselves. Who is responsible for creating peace? It has been an integral aspect of the Peace Angeles Project to inspire the utilization of the uplifting image of a Peace Angel sculpture to represent the ideal of possibility. It is the imagery of the humanitarians on the base, engaged in conversation, whose actions contribute to the actualizing of a better world. It is this group of individuals who will stand with the Peace Angel in perpetuity to represent us. Some of those on the base will have contributed with actions, some with funds, and all with profound acts of kindness. Whatever the action, the gift that they gave helped to move humankind forward. I personally feel that kindness progresses a level of evolution. The Peace Angel will stand in perpetuity as a beautiful, powerful, and inspiring work of art; representing peace and dedicated to cherishing life. The fine art and cutting-edge Technical Team who will create the Peace Angel monuments, are the best in the world. Their team fusion brings together a process that has never been done before. This innovation, bringing together the best of Art and Technology, will interface with the political and law enforcement teams to destroy thousands of weapons. Our media partners will promote this message of peace to transform thinking and the realm of the possible. Our core team includes: Dick Polich, Polich Artworks, New York; Artist clients include: Jeff Koons, Julian Schnabel, Frank Stella. John Biesek, Penwal Industries, Los Angeles; major clients include: Disney, Kennedy Space Center, Smithsonian, NASA, Warner Bros. Domi Piturro, Icon Imaging, Los Angeles; Clients include: Sony, Disney, Warner Bros., Electronic Arts. Darleen Asire, Asire Development, Los Angeles; Bill and Melinda Gates, Cipriani, New York Four of the Peace Angels:
The first weapons-poured Peace Angel was given to then President William Jefferson and Hillary Rodham Clinton, April 1997; pouring covered by CNN. The original Angel of Peace Awards were Peace Angel sculptures. Recipients include: Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas, Supervisor Zev Yaroslovsky and City Attorney Mark Feur.
Peace Angels Project Peace Sign sculpture, 2014 Created from ICBM nuclear and high grade stainless 3' x 6" x 6"
